Series B - High Pressure - Filter B14-2-6

Series B High Pressure Filters

Designed to meet today’s requirements for good protection of hydraulic components on machine tools, industrial equipment, construction machinery, farm equipment, or wherever close tolerance parts would be damaged by contaminated oil.


A large flow-area bypass valve, built into the head of the filter, cracks at 35 PSI (2.45 BAR), preventing damage to element if flow is restricted due to contamination. Mounting filter at pump discharge port protects all valves, cylinders, motors and rotary actuators.



  • Built-in bypass valve.
  • In-line type designed for 3000 PSI (207 BAR) operating pressure.
  • Inexpensive.
  • Low cost replacement parts.
  • 40 nomial micron retention.
  • 3 & 12 micron absolute.



  • Taps for Differential Pressure Indicator 
  • E.P.R. amd Viton available 
  • Optional porting available




Model B 14-2:

Capacity: 20 GPM (75.7 L/min.)
Filtration: 40 micron nominal 75 micron absolute B
40 = 96
Element Area: 26 in.
2 (167.7 cm2)
Element Type: Ribbon lamination


Model B 14-2A:

Capacity: 20 GPM (75.7 L/min.)
Filtration: 12 micron absolute 5 gram holding capacity B
12 = 200
Element Area: 94 in.
2 (606.5 cm2)
Element Type: Micro Glass


Model B 14-2B:

Capacity: 15 GPM (56.8 L/min.)
Filtration: 3 micron absolute 4.8 gram holding capacity B
3 = 200
Element Area: 94 in.
2 (606.5 cm2)
Element Type: Micro Glass

200 PSID Collapse

3000 PSID Collapse Available

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Why Maradyne Fluid Power?

Maradyne Fluid Power has produced the industries most reliable line of hydraulic system filters and products for half a century. A clean hydraulic system is a must for efficient and cost effective fluid power. Maradyne Fluid Power meets the demanding needs of today’s hydraulic systems; producing Filter Units and Strainers with Filtration from 3 to 262micron, Flow Ratings to 150 GPM, and Operating Pressures to 3000PSI. MPF also offers Vacuum, Pressure, and Differential Indicators to monitor the condition of your system.

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